Friday, February 5, 2010

Neo-Nazism in Israel

I received this email from an Israeli friend:

Read and understand. There is a hidden agenda of Russian Jewish politicians in Israel that badly needs to be exposed. It is a policy of weakening Judaism in the Land of Israel. And ALL of the Russian Jewish politicians in Israel are party to it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Efim Maidanik
Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:39 PM
Subject: Neonazism
To: letters [Jerusalem Post]
Cc: Zalman Gilichensky ,, Golani Israeli

There have been recently a lot of publications about anti-Semitism all over the world (e.g. "European anti-Semitic incidents" by Gil Hoffman, Jan 25, p.1) as well as the efforts of the newly appointed Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky to fight the phenomenon (by increasing the number of emissaries abroad). However we do not hear about anti-Semititic and neo-Nazi activities IN ISRAEL. Why? Is it because we have a Russian (Jewish) Foreign Minister, a Russian (Jewish) Minister of Tourism, a Russian (Jewish) Minister of Absorption, and a Russian (Jewish) Minister of Information and Diaspora - in addition to Mr. Sharansky in the Jewish Agency? DO MANY ISRAELIS SPEAK OR READ RUSSIAN? DO THE MEDIA PEOPLE? DO YOU KNOW what bothers the above ministers and their electorate? If you can read and hear what they say to their compatriots in their first language (e.g. about the need to legalize mixed marriages, to make it easier to bring to Israel "the fourth generation" immigrants from the FSU, to pass legislation allowing the non-visa visits from Ukraine, in addition to Russia) you will understand why at the recent Ashdod conference we did not hear about anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism IN ISRAEL, while the police stated (falsely) that "Immigrants (are) not overrepresented in crime" (Ruth Eglash, the JPost Jan 26, p.5).

Perhaps it is worth your while to write about this "omission" in the coverage of the "anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism in Israel imported from the FSU?" Try and reasearch the problem. Call us if you have any problems with the Russian language. You have written about our organization (The Information and Assistance Center for the Victims of Antisemitism) in past and we are grateful to you for your attention. Let's try and revive interest in the problem.

Yours sincerely,

Zalman GILICHENSKY, the Center Chairman, 3/11 Bublik St., 97225 J-m
Efim MAIDANIK, 414/6 Neve Yakov, 97350 J-m
Our email is Phone 0544-691955 (Hebrew) and 02-5856873 or 052-304-8078 (English)