Sunday, December 21, 2008

Danse macabre: lying peace process!

Re: Freedland's folly
Blond Bomber (BeyondBabylo)

I agree that wicked Hamas plots for Israel to '"rest in peace" - and every one of the other Muslim terrorist groups (and they're all terrorists since they violently oppose any manner, shape or form of Israel) shares their bloody sentiments.

We know this, so why do the Israeli and American and European leaders continue their danse macabre, the lying peace process? BLOOD MONEY and ultimate German-Jesuit occupation of the Holy Land of Israel.

Israel beware.

Lying Visions of Peace

EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews


Anonymous said...

Er, are you aware that this post makes you sound like a raving lunatic? Won't do Israel any favours, talking like that. Also, it seems you don't really understand the folk tradition of the danse macabre and what it actually refers to.

David Ben-Ariel said...

I'm aware that, unlike me, you hide your comments behind "anonymous." I'm also aware that you're clearly not judging by biblical and historical standards. I encourage you to let them work together to correct your hearing problem.

It is folks like you who aren't doing Israel any favor by remaining in willful/woeful ignorance and/or denial as Israelis continue to make "sacrifices for peace."

I used "danse macabre" in the poetic sense of "dance of death" but if you'd like to come out of the shadows and explain its meaning as far as you're concerned, feel free to do so.