Thursday, December 11, 2008

Italian MPs Show Solidarity in Sderot

Italian MPs Show Solidarity in Sderot
In a unique show of solidarity, a delegation of 70 Italians, including 24 members of the Italian Parliament visited Sderot this past Monday, December 8. The Italian delegation brought with them a copy of a letter, written by members of the Italian Parliament, addressed to Gilad Schalit, the IDF solider captured two years ago who remains in the hands of Hamas in Gaza. In a press conference facilitated by Sderot Media Center, the Italian delegation, which included Read more

Handicapped Residents of Sderot Deal with Rockets
As much as we are aware of the psychological impact that Palestinian rocket fire has on the average Sderot family, we often do notunderstand the implications of rocket terror on those physicallyhandicapped, visually impaired and those with special needs. On Thursday, December 11, a conference in Sderot was held to raise awareness for the handicapped and disabled population of the community. Read more

Back in January 2008, the German newspaper, Der Speigel published an article covering the Qassam rocket production in Gaza. Ulrike Putz, the author of the article interviewed several Palestinians in the midst of their building rockets and stirring away explosives. One Palestinian, Abdul, explained that his night job Read more

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