I was with the Worldwide Church of God group that broke records staying in Jordan for two weeks in 1987 celebrating our biblical/Jewish Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), with tours throughout the land, especially Petra (where the High Priest Aaron is believed to be buried), and many later continued on to Israel. The Jordanian government officials said most folks spend a weekend en route to the Holy Land of Israel. Some of us understand Jordan is part of Greater Israel and therefore holy too!
David Hoover (now Ben-Ariel) getting ready to enter Petra with Arab guide.

Princess Majda with me (married to Prince Raad, cousin of King Hussein)

Children on Mount Nebo (where Moses died and was buried by angels)

Frescoes from Mount Nebo Church

Miriam and Henia reviewing a copy of The Plain Truth magazine at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan
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