Sunday, December 28, 2008

WIG Announcements and Updates

Dear Friends,

A few announcements and updates.

1) Women in Green are shocked, pained and in mourning over the untimely death of our dear friend Tsafrir Ronen Z'L.

A proud and fearless Jew, Tsafrir fought for Eretz Yisrael with all his heart and soul. He never flinched from expressing, in every possible forum, the spiritual and historical truth of the Jewish People in its Land.Women in Green pledge to continue in his path the struggle for Eretz Yisrael.

We will miss him - his wonderful personality. His humor. His speeches. His words of strength. His courage. His optimism. We will always remember him and draw strength from his spiritual power. may his memory be blessed.

The funeral will be today, Sunday, in the community of Moledet in the Galil. For the exact hour please check Arutz 7. We were told that it will be around 2:30pm.

Just a few weeks ago we met Tsafrir in Bet Hashalom and he proudly told us about the movie he had just finished making. The movie is called Hadrian's Curse.

Tsafrir wrote an article describing the movie he was making. The article was published in three sections one per week in The Jewish Press from May 14, 2008 through May 28, 2008.

Here is a summary of the article.


The Invention of Palestine as a Psychological Weapon for Conquering Eretz Yisrael


Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called "Palestine" after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world's stage more than 600 years earlier. It was his final twist of the knife and legacy after wars, massacres, persecutions, and exiles that had largely extinguished the Jewish presence from Judea.

Today, the modern enemies of a resurrected Jewish Nation have dusted off Hadrian's curse and are attempting to pull off a monumental theft: the Arab world have reincarnated "Palestine" to steal Israel's heritage and the Land of the Jewish People.

Hadrian's Curse will expose the BIG lie of the "Palestinian cause" in a full-length 120-minute documentary. The film will document that there never was a "Palestinian" people, The world has become so accustomed to the "truth" of the "Palestinian" perversion of history and work backwards, exposing recent claims and acts whose absurdity and villainy shock uninformed observers.

When Arafat declared: "Our nation is the Arabic nation that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it", it turns out that Arafat's nation already stretches over an area larger than all of Europe.

His is the twisted story of one of the biggest, most remarkable fraud in history. It is such a successful fabrication that many otherwise informed people have been duped and mislead. This propaganda has become a powerful weapon used Israel's enemies, the Arabs, to try to conquer Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot, without an army, tanks or jets.

The Jewish People eventually bested Hadrian. They returned to their land and reestablished sovereignty over it. They rebuilt Jerusalem as their capital, and resettled desolate Judea. They did all this only to now confront the reincarnated curse of Hadrian in the guise of Arabs renaming themselves "Palestinians" and claiming all the ancient Land as their own.

As explained in the film, many Israelis and lovers of Zion have accepted this misnaming and misidentification. Hadrian's ancient curse now threatens Israel's very existence. Israel's success and endurance and the world's hope for peace in the 21st century, demands that the deceit and danger of a Palestinian state must be exposed and avoided. It is our fervent hope that Hadrian's Curse will expose the historical truth.For the entire article giving more details about the movie:


2) The government of Israel has launched a strike against Hamas in Gaza. On the one hand we of course all know that this is what has to be done and should have been done months ago. In fact, Women in Green is praying for the day that Israel will recapture and free Gaza from its Arab occupation and rebuild the tens of Jewish communities of Gush Katif that have been destroyed there. Yet, we doubt that this is what Livni plans on doing. We pray and hope that this current strike against Gaza really is meant to destroy Hamas and all other Arab terrorist groups and not some kind of political maneuver by Livni in order to try and gain points for the upcoming elections.We pray to Hashem to safeguard our Israeli soldiers who participate in the strike and all of the People in Israel , especially our brothers in the south who suffer daily from Arab kassams and missiles.



Hundreds of people arrived in Shdema yesterday, Friday of Hanukka, to show a Jewish presence and to listen to the lecture of Gershon Bar Kochva, famous teacher of Jewish history. Gershon fascinated the public, adults and youth, with a lecture on Jewish heroism from the time of the Maccabees till the creation of the State of Israel.

Excitement was in the air when, for the first time since Shdema had been abandoned two years ago by the Israeli government and the Arabs destroyed everything in the army camp except the actual walls of the building, "windows" were installed. The windows are meanwhile from plastic but, mark an additional step towards the permanent Jewish resettlement of Shdema, please G-d.

Outside the building where the lecture was taking place, the younger children enjoyed the entertainment by Elazar Brandt.

Thank you to Danny Halamish and Rivka Ryback for filming the event.

Link to Rivka Ryback's photos:

This coming Friday, as every Friday, at 9:30am, we will, please G-d, have another lecture and activity in Shdema. Details will be posted in the next few days.

Shavua tov, Chodesh tov, Besorot Tovot,

The committee for a Jewish Shdema & Women in Green

For details about the struggle for a Jewish Shdema:


Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)

POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel

Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380