Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jews from British-Israelite countries urged to 'Go North'

Just wanted to give you a quick update- Nefesh B'Nefesh together with the Russell Berrie Foundation is launching an exciting new project- 'Go North'- to encourage Anglo Olim to settle in Israel's Northern region. The unprecedented $10 million project aims to draw Olim who are interested in Northern Israel but are held back because of concerns of moving to a less developed area.
Attached (and below) is a press release with more details.
Have a great day,

Renana Levine
PR & Communications Manager
Nefesh B'Nefesh
Office: 02 659 5849
Cell: 054 244 9747
US: 212 203 0071
UK: (0)800 075 3353
Email: renana@nbn.org.il


Unprecedented campaign to help strengthen Northern Israel by reigniting pioneering spirit of U.S., Canadian and British Jews

(JERUSALEM; 9 December 2008) – Nefesh B'Nefesh with the support of the Russell Berrie Foundation of Teaneck, NJ, is launching the ‘Go North’ project, to encourage Anglo Olim (new immigrants) to settle in Northern Israel. The Aliyah organization, which works in cooperation with various government offices and the Jewish Agency for Israel, will bring over 1,000 newcomers to the North over the next few years. http://www.gonorth.org.il/

The initiative will provide additional support to Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim seeking quality of life and fulfillment of ideals in the Northern region of Israel. The unparalleled project was made possible through a generous gift and partnership with the Russell Berrie Foundation together with funding from Israeli philanthropists and from the Government of Israel. The Foundation funds innovative projects including pluralistic Jewish education in Israel – such as the Be’eri secular high school program of the Shalom Hartman Institute and the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute at the Technion.

“Building on Nefesh B’Nefesh’s ongoing success in bringing Western Jews on Aliyah, this initiative will generate momentum by creating a strong support system serving as a catalyst for expansion of the Jewish communities in the North for years to come,” said Angelica Berrie, President of the Russell Berrie Foundation. “Go North will enable modern day pioneers to fulfill their dreams by moving to a region of Israel that is less Westernized and needs the skills, talents and energy they will bring. We see strengthening the North as a vital strategic priority,” she continued.

The ‘Go North’ program aims to encourage Olim who are drawn to Northern Israel but are held back because of concerns that moving to a less developed area will be more costly and more difficult. The program will address these issues by providing significant financial grants and other forms of assistance specifically geared to make the Aliyah and absorption experience more successful. It is designed to ease the transition into communities in the North by creating the conditions for seamless professional and social integration. The benefits will include: enhanced financial grants, employment assistance, creating suitable social infrastructures and transportation subsidies. Nefesh B’Nefesh will also appoint dedicated employment professionals and regional coordinators who will assist Olim with their employment and social needs.

“Nefesh B’Nefesh is honored to be partnering with the Russell Berrie Foundation on this essential program which will infuse a vibrancy and energy into the North – socially, demographically and economically,” said Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Nefesh B’Nefesh. He added “We are excited to be a part of the first concerted effort in Israel’s history to bring Anglo Olim to the North and thereby build a stronger Israel.”

Minister of the Development of the Negev and Galilee, Yaakov Edery commented on the importance of this strategic project: “The Ministry for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee sees the absorption of Olim from Western countries in Israel's Northern region as a top priority in order to strengthen the existing population and bring an added vibrancy to the this beautiful area. The Ministry will do all that is in its power to ensure these pioneer Olim will integrate and acclimate in the best possible way. We allocated extensive resources to make sure they have a high quality of life, good education and can easily find jobs. This is a vital endeavor, today more than ever”.

Minister of Immigrant Absorption, Eli Aflalo, praised the program and said that in light of the worldwide economic crisis, increasing Aliyah is even more important to Israel's economic and social growth, and especially for strengthening the Northern region and Israel's periphery. "My office will allocate major resources to ensuring the Olim moving up north will have a successful absorption and will work towards developing tailored absorption programs that will meet the needs of Western Olim."

Founded in 2002, Nefesh B’Nefesh in cooperation with the Israeli government and the Jewish Agency for Israel, is dedicated to revitalizing Aliyah from North America and the UK by removing or minimizing the financial, professional, logistical and social obstacles of Aliyah. Through the support and comprehensive social services provided to its 18,000 newcomers, Nefesh B'Nefesh has ensured that 98% of its Olim have remained in Israel, and 94% of the families have one or both spouses employed.

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For more information please contact:

Renana Levine, renana@nbn.org.il
ISRAEL: 054-244-9747 USA: 212-203-0071 UK: 0800-075-3353


Interesting that Jews from British-Israelite countries, who have lived among Joes, descendants of Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh, are now encouraged within Eretz Yisrael to live up North, in and around the biblical territories of Joseph!

Joseph isn't Jewish!

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Israel in the Isles

The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites